And for once, a bit of better news from Merton, London Borough of. You’ll have to click here for it, and like the last time you’ll need to digest it.
Back? Good. If you think that the somewhat impassioned plea from a couple of days ago, with the (much more likely to be effective) harrassing of local councillors was un-necessary, you’d probably be mistaken. What the past 48 hours has reminded us is that if we pressure Merton we CAN get things done. This has been a wake up call for all of us, and it was quite impressive how people got it together so quickly. Judge’s comments on the press release seem to be motivated by how stung he got with the criticism plenty were giving him and his council. Even he knows he can’t afford to piss us off.
Perhaps even more promising, AFCW gets to work its FITC magic without the total onus falling on us. Firstly, T&M will be involved as well which takes the pressure off, and secondly LBM will be helping us out for a couple of years to get established. Which, if the previous FITC schemes are anything to go by, is very promising indeed. That the FITC (AFCW version) has many old FITC (WFC version) staff on it is a good indicator of its success : remember that the FITC was the only thing Franchise ever did right.
Of course, we now need to start putting the pressure on Merton again…..