Yes, it must be the close season as this site is spruced up, given a lick of paint and finally replaced the brittle guttering that was flooding everywhere.
Thanks to everyone who helped test out this design, especially those with smartphones who decided that this site actually read properly for once. There’s bound to be teething troubles, and I expect I’ve overlooked something quite important. So if you find anything, just use the Contact page above. Unless that doesn’t work, in which case use the little email button on the list of buttons where Twitter etc is.
And if THAT doesn’t work, the comments should work. Just don’t yell at me too much.
(**warning: boring technical shit/editor whinging**)
Once again it’s on WordPress and it uses the free version of iFeature. The pro version costs $30 on sale, or $60 full price. I don’t intend to buy the full version, unless I really have to.
I decided to keep to automatic excerpts as the manual ones were a complete pain in the arse in the end. They didn’t export at all, and I have over 1400 entries that needed both a featured image and a manual excerpt. It took me two whole days to do three years worth of match reports alone – I have 700+ of them – and needless to say the older ones were getting very difficult (ie tedious) to write. Not to mention that from about 2004 onwards I stopped taking pictures at games anyway…
Also, I need to do the automatic Twitter/Facebook link uploading. Especially the latter, which always posts twice for some reason. Sorted Twitter/FB out.
(**boring technical shit/editor whinging over. Please resume reading**)
Now, all I need is some proper transfer news to write about…