Severe problems updating this week, firstly there hasn’t been any news, and secondly I’ve been totally snowed under (“but you haven’t got a job” you sneer. Yeah, like that made any difference….), so finding the material/willpower to do any updating has been quite difficult. Unfortunately, if my current level of activity increases, I will find less time to do this – you may even find that I pull this site altogether (so you will never know what was going to be in “What If?”), so make the most of it for now at least.
Onto some news, some old, some newish. Although widely reported in other WFC web sites (all totally inferior to this site of course) (well, “inferior” in the sense of risking severe libel suits at least), an interesting story from Norway earlier this week focuses on Drillo having a ski-ing holiday with none other than Bjorn Rune Gjelsten. Yup, the same guy who was supposed to have left the Ager RGI empire for good.
He has returned, and he and KIR are now making noises about putting much more time into running WFC. Bet SH won’t like that – if there’s one thing we should all know by now, be it in football or other companies, when major shareholders start making noises about “getting more involved”, this normally means that they’re planning a clearout of anyone who they think isn’t up to scratch. Who knows what this will mean?
Although Svein Bakke’s report has come out quite favourably into the way the club is run, and R&G have mentioned more “communication” between SH and themselves, they will undoubtedly put things “right” regardless of what SH – or anyone else – thinks. Thing is, we are still making a loss, despite being well run, and the first rule of business is to make a 1p profit rather than a 1p loss. Maybe this is the shot in the arm the club in general needs? Hope so, it’s been stagnant for too long, and I bet Drillo isn’t exactly unaware of some of the staid attitudes around the place…..
Interesting development from the wonderful world of town planning – the Prince George Playing Field in Raynes Park (and 1 mile away from SW19 Towers) is up for sale. It seems as though there are two main bidders for the site : a housing developer and some tinpot outfit called Wimbledon Football Club. Now, the residents are quoted as saying that although they fully expect it to be sold, part of the deal MUST include some form of recreation for the locals. So housing is out then.
Which leaves us, and if you take what the club say then a bid will be made for the new Academy and nothing else. Honest. Which will leave a lot of recreation facilities, and remember that getting planning permission for anything we’d want it for would be easier simply because of the big David Lloyd next door (precidence, you see). Coincidentally, Safeway are really struggling to get planning permission for Plough Lane, and rumours are coming up that it might be sold for housing. Which should interest the housing company……..
Dumbest Rumour Of The New Millenium thus far – it has been alledged that Man U star Ole Gunnar Skolesjar is a “good friend” of R&G, and have reportedly had “unofficial talks” with him. About what, I have no idea whatsoever. No, I don’t expect him to come to Wimbledon.
Good news for those who like fashion : apparently Lotto won’t make our kit next year – Puma will. Now, this is good for a number of reasons : one, hopefully we’ll get rid of the shitty CG thing once and for all (come on, doubt if Puma would put up with such a stupid marketing “tool”). Secondly, we may get a nicer kit next year (I don’t really like our new kit that much, I have to say, although it was better than last seasons cheapy). Thirdly, we may even get some much better merchandise.
I have to say, Lotto’s stuff is too “fancy” for my liking – although a lot of people wear them, I don’t like those blue and grey anorak things, I think they look particularly ugly. And I thought the Italians were renound for their style? (their women are nice, mind). And finally, they may even supply their kit a little bit earlier than a year into the new season – see what happens when you try to cut corners, Sharon…….?
Oh, and the reserves played tonight against the Arse. I didn’t go, which is quite rare for me, but I didn’t really fancy it. Still, I’m planning on the Palace reserves (away), so you can’t accuse me of being a gloryhunter 🙂