Roger Smith is the new Academy Director. He was previously in charge of youth development which has been very successful. On the other hand, he also bought up Carl Cort and Jason Euell.
Gareth “Wild Thang” Ainsworth is fit and raring to go, which was exactly the same thing he said last year. Hopefully he won’t get something wrong with him this time, it’s quite frustrating to see him waltz through defences one or twice then get injured again. Hopefully with John Clinkard now helping Steve Allen such nasty injuries are kept to a minimum
Fuck knows how I missed this one from last week – as we all know, Paul Jewell is the new SW manager. He’s been promised money to spend, dough which OGEM claimed was never available. Now, somebody is lying, I wonder who….?
Finally, check out Regulars for a revamp. I trust you’ll like it. Hell, you may even decide to get involved….