And for some reason, today I feel as though I got a bit of payback, albeit eventually. The marked constrast between Tuesday and Blue Nose 0 Red Nose 3 was gobsmaking – whether it was lack of carnal pleasure before the game or whether it was merely the fact that we just had to buck our ideas up I don’t know (and quite frankly I don’t care). All you need to know is, we defended well, we attacked well and we, er, midfielded well.
Goals within the first half for Euell (two) and one goal for Damo towards the end gave us a rather comprehensive victory against a side that had won 10 out of its last 12 games. Pretty impressive. We are now only 10 points behind Watford and only 4 points behind Sheff Utd. Keep up this run and suddenly talk of playoffs may not be so far fetched….
Here we go….
Plus points: There are really too many to mention, so I’ll be brief : We won. Away. No goals conceded. Good defending – I don’t recall Kelvin having to make a major save. Pecker played for the full 90, his contribution was immense. Good stuff from Gier. Nobody played really badly
Minus points: John Hartson’s sending off for two rather prickish tackles. He actually had a good game (by recent standards, certainly), but unfortunately he blotted his copybook somewhat.
Nightmare: Train journey from Euston to New Street. Left at 1125. At 1130 the train stopped. Transpires that the engine has blown out. No hot water, no hot snacks. To get a new engine from Euston to where the train broke down (about 3 miles) takes the grand total of 1 hour 20 minutes. Unsurprisingly, I reach St Andrews at 3.20pm. Now, you can imagine what I will be saying had we lost.
Truth is stranger than fiction: (1) The journey above. I think I’ve been on shorter transpacific flights. (2) The general attitude of the players. Like two totally different teams. (3) The quietness of the Brum fans. OK, they weren’t that good today, but when you consider that they were second in the table, have quite a volatile following (see below) and they’re one of the top two teams in the UK’s second city, you could have heard a dormouse break wind. (4) East Midlands Airport. Similar to Gatwick insofar as it’s owned by BAA and has one runway. That is where the similarity ends. It also has the most uneven, non-flat runway I have ever seen.
Back to the 80s: Brum fans. Two pitch invasions were averted by some massed stewarding. Firstly, when JH was sent off, quite a few Brum fans tried to get at him. Literally. One bloke I think actually did get at him, although nice Mr Policeman sent him to bed with a clipped ear. And a baton up his arse. Secondly, when Kelvin was tackled/bludgeoned/assaulted by a Brum player, went down, was treated, got up and basically told the Brum player what he thought of him, one poor steward up the other end from us had a job keeping about 10 Brum fans from literally defending the Brum player. No wonder most Villa fans I know have very low opinion of those from St Andrews….
Back to the 80s Part II: Got off the train at New Street at 1501. Unsurprisingly, we ran through the city centre of Birmingham, chanting “South London” to let the locals know we had arrived. Late. Waited at cab rank, and there were a few coppers, one with a camcorder filming the violent hoards pouring in from South London. Well, actually they were filming me because I wasn’t wearing any colours and looked like a Millwall Bushwhacker. So I will write to West Midlands police asking if I could have a copy of the tape. And suggest that if they use it to incriminate me, they can give me head (applies to attractive female officers only).
Quotes: (1) “This is like the 80s all over again isn’t it?” – un-named Womble during the aforementioned incident through Birmingham City Centre. What – arriving late? (2) “They’re like Burnley, they think that they have a divine right to win everything” – another un-named Womble, on why Brum fans acted like they were on speed. (3) “Do you reckon he’s played his last game for us?” – same un-named Womble on JH after the sending off. For the record, I think this today may well be the final straw as far as JH is concerned.
I know it’s sexist and degrading, but I don’t give a fuck: Loads of nice looking blonde models on the train coming back from Brum International. Was the cause of many a stunted conversation within our train carriage. Oh come on, do you really think I’m a trappist monk?
Smmmmmmmmillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee: The somewhat hurredly and subsequently blurry picture above is former deputy chairman, building magnate and WFC director one Mr John Lelliott, who when not building a better London with Bovis is seen relaxing with a nice glass of whisky and Canada Dry.
When you consider that directors are supposed to be aloof from the ordinary working class supporters, it’s reassuring to know that even directors after a good performance can get totally rat-arsed, slumber in their chair and let web site owners with low moral standing and perverted sexual practices to photograph them engaged in deep alcoholic induced rest. Mr Lelliott, we salute you (and if you want this picture removed, it’ll cost you a minimum £1m quid. Tax free)
Was it worth it?: Given the fact that I have had a rather shitty 24 hours, I get the feeling that this was owed to me somewhat. Hey, I haven’t had entire payback for last season yet guys….
Two final things : one, there was a meeting last week between WISA representatives and CK/David Barnard. I will publish the juicy stuff from the meeting sometime. Secondly, Kingstonian are through to the third round of the FA Cup, draw tomorrow. Be afraid. Be very afraid…..