Ladies and gentlemen, please do not be alarmed. That horrific sound is merely the sound of Wimbledon FC’s playoff hopes crashing to the ground. Oh, what do you mean that Koppout scuppered those ages ago? Never mind. Looks like Geoffrey from Rainbow 1 Geoffrey Richmond 2 was coming, 4 games in 8 days never was likely to yield 12 points, and I guess we’ll be playing Leicester next season. In truth, we never really were going to score (one of them games) and I don’t doubt that KD’s sublime save in the 9th minute was merely a prelude of things to come. OK, so DC slotting away that 94th minute pen was kewl, but come on, you weren’t surprised….?
And let us thrust pelvicly into the direction of…..
Plus points: Considering the result, we did put a lot of pressure up.
Minus points: Oh dear, where shall I start? OK, Kenny was clearly on too much Beamish last night. Jobi coming off after 9 mins. Shite defending. Glaring misses. Koppout still alive etc etc.
The referee’s a…………..: Rather than waste my time on him, I think his contribution today can be summed up best by the quote “What the fuck are you doing, you twat?”. And when you’re being asked if you are Jeff Winter in disguise, it may be time to consider a new career.
Point to ponder: How pissed off do you think Pecker is by coming on then getting subbed himself?
Sing Hosanna: Games at SP are usually shite for songs, but I think “Same old Bradford, always cheating” wins the most (only?) innovative ditty today.
Speaking of Bradford fans: Weren’t many of them TBH, OK they took more than we did for our midweek jaunt up there, but not much more. And they won’t get back into Yorkshire by sparrowfart either
Truth is stranger than fiction: (1) Your humble editor queried earlier on in the game when the last time we had a penalty before today was. (2) Neil Ardley beating somebody for pace. Get the tape of this game and fast forward to the 58th minute if you do not believe me. (3) This could be our last Saturday at SP ever. (4) The somewhat anti-QM sentiments expressed by somebody who couldn’t handle his drink during the minute silence. Now, as much as I think that minute silences are waaaay over-used, I don’t think it’s particularly a good idea to deliberately disrupt them. Could be quite detrimental to our cause if people start to think we can’t keep our gobs shut for a mere 60 seconds. Just a thought.
Speaking of thoughts, what about Koppout? Oh boy, the swivelled eyed paedo? He buggered off at half time, apparently. Wonder why? Not scared is he?
Meanwhile, Puma are dropping supplying our kit. Dunno when, but this has to be yet another blow for Koppout, and maybe can prove that various boycotts DO work. Now, cap this off with the news that Koppout’s other main business interest, the Powerboat Racing sold their rights for a solitary £1 (or $1.40 or €1.55 if you prefer), and I wonder how clued up Roekke himself is. Think about it, to make the sort of money KIR has requires a bit of nous and some idea of what you’re doing. So how the hell has Koppout kept his job? Seriously, the guy couldn’t hold down a job cleaning floors in McDonalds. Maybe he left at half-time to learn how to cook fries.
Anything else? Yeah, I did shit on the Grand National. One horse pulled up, one unseated its rider and the other one I backed decided to fall. Bloody crap sport, racing…
So, was it worth it? If you like to be cold and see us play like plop, I suppose so.
In a nutshell: Wank.
Also today, and in essence probably much more important, was the WISA EGM on whether (let’s get this right) to ballot all WISA members on whether to back not getting season tickets. Or something. Anyway, the ballot got soundly approved, and I think you’ll also get an option to give your ST dough to the Dons Trust, though don’t quote me (good job I’m not on the WISA committee or nothing will work properly).
My thoughts? OK, firstly it wasn’t the mind numbing slanging match I hoped it wouldn’t be. The people who got up and spoke were all anti-ST, except one bloke who went up at the end and admitted he was undecided over the whole thing. Awkward bastard. Secondly, I’m not overly convinced that WISA should be using such terminology as “encouraging”, as IMO it really is a bit of an emotive subject. By all means have a ballot but the danger will come if you start to alienate people who do want an ST. And there will be some who will do so, even if they contribute greatly to Dons Trust/WISA funds or activities etc. Needless to say, I did my now legendary impression of Gerry McGuire* MP when it came to that particular little bit.
* – for the uninitiated, Mr McGuire (at least I think that is what his name is) was an MP in Ulster who was asked to vote for the Government in the 1979 vote of no-confidence, was bribed with 3 bottles of whiskey and turned round to say “I have come to abstain in person”. It’s apparently in Tony Benn’s memoirs, according to CUNW.
Thirdly, I still genuinely believe that our collective minds for this particular subject will be made up for us. Don’t ask me why, a ST boycott is a helluva major step and I believe that major change happens gradually. You can come back to me by Xmas and have a go at me if I’m wrong on this score. Finally, I really don’t like Crystals…..