Oh dear. Village Hall 1 Southall 5 was a pretty Man U-esque way of ending a however-many-it-was winning streak. Thankfully, it was the CC Cup as opposed to either a league game or a LSC one.
This basically was painful to watch – as usual I didn’t catch the team (or recognise them even if I had) but it appears that we had too many youngsters who didn’t gel at all. Did we actually want to win this game? Somehow, I don’t think we did (Wallingford decided to take the same approach, reportedly) and boy did it show.
I could explain what went wrong, but I’m not going to go through that again. So instead….
Plus points: Were there any? Oh yeah, Chris Theodore got his first ever goal.
Minus points: Everything else. This sucked.
The referee’s a…… : Well, I didn’t notice him that much. Others probably did though.
Quotes: “I’d rather be watching a Franchise game” – your humble and esteemed editor, whose coldness and general fed-up nature drove him to a point of insanity that may never be cured.
Twat: Some neutral at the end twittering on about ambition or something. And going on about grounds.
Truth is stranger than fiction : (1) Bovril at a game, first time I’ve had it in over 15 years. Sadly, no Wagon Wheel or option to buy Naris cola. (2) Was it cold or what? Bit foggy as well (3) Having two run-ins with my own designated steward, who must really enjoy that role I don’t think. Firstly being legit absconded for littering (humblest apologies) and then having an official warning for the above mentioned quote. (4) The deathly silence when they scored was akin to a Franchise FC game. Speaking of which…
Franchise FC watch: The big news today there of course is KIR finally getting the hint and Foxtrot Oscaring. This is not only highly significant but highly puzzling as well. Remember that Roekke was one of the major forces behind MK in the first place, and the only logical conclusion is that he knows it’s a dead duck project. After all, even Rent Boy was commenting that the Denbigh stadium would be about 10k capacity or something. So what now for them? I would imagine that KIR has written off his loan to be called in – if he hasn’t, then bye bye Franchise. They will now be run by that super team of BRG (KIR’s lackey), Koppout (nuff said) and – I presume – Wankelmann (coked up failed record producer). Hardly the board of ICI. The only other people really who could join are the misguided companies of MK, though given the current recession I don’t think they’d be too happy with throwing as much money into that venture as KIR did.
Interesting also is Rent Boy’s comments that Franchise will now be run more in England than in Norway. Has he and Roekke had a row? I can imagine Koppout arrogantly strutting round saying “I can make this a success” and KIR replying “well, here you go you rancid little piece of shit”. Whatever, these are fun times for us (games against Southall notwithstanding)
Anything else? Yeah, I’d rather lose this sort of game than our next two. Just hope we don’t lose confidence with this. Oh, and may I be bold and suggest these sort of games are £3 or something? After all, Raynes Park Vile charge you £3 to enter their hovel on Grand Dive for a normal CCL game and that’s fair. We charge £2 for Y&B, which of course may tell you more about RP Vile….
So, was that worth it? Not exactly.
In a nutshell: Rats cock.