Firstly, let’s get some things out of my system. Fuck. Wank. Bollocks. Cunt. Shit. Wanker. Cock. Dick. Cunt again. Fuck again. Koppel, Koppel and another fuck. Oh, and Wankelmann as well.
And since my enforced absence from this site, nothing much has changed I see. We’re still getting results like Whipsnade 7 Chessington 0 and me thinking we still need to be awarded the trophy at Christmas simply to stop us getting bored, meaning attendances will drop and meaning less revenue all round.
Meanwhile, in some pretty shitty conditions last night (welcome to autumn) we more or less bossed this from start to finish, and the fact that we were 4-0 after 35 minutes proves how one-sided this was. JS got a hat-trick, Everard excited us all with his first half opener and KC/whoever else scored sent yet another clear message to the rest of the CCL. So there.
Plus points: We won. Yet again. Clean sheet. Comprehensive performance. Good performance from Paul Scott. Defence looks better. Well taken goals. Keeping going despite being 6-0 up.
Minus points: Should have been 8
The referee’s a……..: Yet another worringly good performance. Gave virtually all the decisions in our favour, and a penalty to boot. Lino was however asked if he was on acid.
Them: Bad. Seriously. Somebody down the hardcore Athletics End even told their goalie to “Shut up Teflon”, which causes many seconds of laughter. Coincidentally, I went to see AFCW play Chess U reserves on Tuesday and I’m convinced that even I can get into the CU reserve side.
Der Volkstadion: Did a little experiment yesterday. As it was getting slightly wet and I wasn’t with my usual gang of horse thieves and reprobates, I went for a little wander around. I am conviced that the views in the John Smiths are not as good as those at even places like W2K. I know for a personal fact that the view from the West Bank is utter shite (unless you’re either over 6 ft 3 or right down the front). Needless to say, I went back in the comfort of the hAE, where our reward for having no roof is being able to see the game.
Point to ponder: Am I the only one worried that when we lose a game we’ll go on an 11 game run without winning?
Truth is stranger than fiction: Your humble and esteemed editor could well be in the next official matchday magazine. How? Well, I was accosted at HT and asked who my favourite player was. I even had my mugshot taken, so the vast majority of you can finally get to see what I look like (trust me, it ain’t pretty). Sadly, I suffered a memory blankout that wouldn’t look out of place at the Hutton enquiry, but I got there eventually. I think.
Hello mum: Which well-known Womble asked me to get mentioned on this site as he has never been mentioned before? Won’t ask you what he wanted quoted, but his lady friend was pissing herself. And who got relegated (or would that be promoted?) to serving slightly stewed tea and various unappetising cheese rolls…..?
Anything else? Yeah, that weather sucked.
So, was it worth it? Yes, I would say so.
In a nutshell: Glug.