I suppose that AFCW 1 AFCW 1 is what we can expect next year. No, not being viciously attacked by the rival firm (see photo above, apologies for lack of focus), but how teams in higher divisions won’t be so in awe at our status. And it proves that AFCW can hold its own in a higher division. But that’s really it – holding our own – unless there are some major purchases in the close season. Enjoy the stuffings while they last. As for the game, we had the upper hand though the Yokels could have nabbed it on the break. We opened the scoring with Danny O, and could have had a couple more before they made it 1-1 with 10 minutes to go, thanks to our predictably laughable defence. Oh well.
Plus points: Not losing. Standen getting better. Proving we don’t look out of place at a higher level.
Minus points: Not winning. Still looking shaky in defence. Should really have won it.
The referee’s a….: Ordinary CCL ref. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?
Them: Right, let’s get the old jokes out of the way. Farmers. Yokels. Common Agricultural Policy funding their away journies. Oooh Arr, ooh arr. Oi’ve got a brand new comboine aaarvester. Have you seen moi tractor? All good fun. I think. Anyway, by far and away the best CCL side seen this season, not that that’s saying much. Is it true that one of their staff got gobbed on by one of our fans during the game?
Song sung blue: For once the West Bank decided to put its mouth where its money was (or something like that) and sung a couple of songs. Or at least make a noise. Methinks it’s endemic of the season, and I just can’t help thinking that people are preparing for next season. Course, we might start losing games…
Joe Sheerin Sweepstake: New SW19 game, which I don’t think will be accepted by the club’s fundraising team somehow. How long will he last the next game? Last night his body clonked out at 55 minutes. More fun than Goalden Goal, certainly.
Three’s a crowd: About 2950 there, though seemed a lot more. Not going to comment further, obviously. Quite a few people who usually can’t/won’t get to evening games were there, proving the draw of competition is still there in the AFCW cockles. The hAE was shut off for 10 minutes in the second half for over-crowding, leaving me to go down the West Bank end. I am still having the rabies shots.
Spotted: Michael “MC” Harvey in the Main Stand. Wonder if he had a twinge of guilt? Hope so.
Point to ponder: Do Scotty and KC like each other?
Truth is stranger than fiction: (1) The KM bars having some decent plastic glasses for once. Made the Guinness taste just a little bit better. Or rather, not so tasting of the stuff that you find in pigs troughs. (2) Kick-off delayed for 15 minutes due to Wallingford turning up a bit late. Insert joke here, special prize to anyone who can resist anything relating to agriculture. (3) The AFCW ladies in the hAE in the first half. Just thought I’d mention it. (4) Playing our biggest, most hyped game of the season and not managing to lose it.
Franchise watch: I suppose I ought to laugh, but really it’s like laughing at somebody in a special needs class. Minus the guilt factor.
Anything else? Yeah, kit #2 was selected. Needless to say, I’m not buying it but it does seem quite nice. Other designs should be t-shirts, because we don’t seem to have many t-shirt designs. Just the kit and leisure apparel, namely sweatshirts and training tops.
So was it worth it? It was. It shows where we are in the learning curve, and this was a worse result for them than us.
In a nutshell: I can drive a tractor.