Probably the ultimate Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction. The picture to your left tells the whole story. Here’s the lowdown : we played pretty naff in the first half, nobody wanted to tackle (temperature was -4C). In fact, that’s how their goal came about. Looked pretty lightweight up front. There was a little bit of fog towards the end of the first half. HT came and went, and the fog had literally descended within 15 minutes. We came out, thought the game was going to be abandoned, then 2 minutes of farce action persued. We scored thru Dean Blackwell – we think – then the ref took the teams off. 10 minutes later, it got abandoned and we all got vouchers to use for the next game. Whenever that is. So, we’ve got to do it all over again….
Further proof of the strange day? Well, we passed two Arsenal team buses (one about 20 years old). We passed a place called “Bunny”. I kid you not. And on the way back, the SA North Cheam Cab co. managed to get “I Can See For Miles” by the Who on Crapital Old. Mind you, the fog in Notts was awful, and fuck knows how anyone managed to get out of it. Was all right from Leicester though…..